“The Surviving Bullying Project” was started about a year ago with the goal of inspiring children and teenagers who are experiencing bullying.
Book Review
In the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings in April 2000, many news programs tried to examine the motivations of the teenage shooters. One show interviewed the high school's wrestling team; all repeatedly said they couldn't understand why the teens did what they did, since everyone was so nice at Columbine. Another show interviewed an acquaintance of the shooters, who said they were spit upon, beaten up, and had to hide as they walked to classes. She concluded the interview, saying, "Nobody should be treated like that."
The tree that never had to fight,
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out on the open plain,
And always got it’s share of rain,
Never became a forest king,
But lives and dies a scrawny thing.
The man who never had to toil,
To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share,
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man,
But lived and died as he began.
Good timber does not grow in ease,
The stronger the wind, the stronger trees
The farther sky, the greater the length
The more the storm, the more the strength,
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In tree and men good timbers grow.
Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
This is the common law of life.
Douglas Mallock
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![]() | "Surviving Bullying" This is to the terrified
At school,
Child, if I could sit with you And bit by bit I have reclaimed http://www.antibullying.net/ypcantcope.htm# |
Two Nova Scotia students are being praised across North America for the way they turned the tide against the bullies who picked on a fellow student for wearing pink.
The victim — a Grade 9 boy at Central Kings Rural High School in the small community of Cambridge — wore a pink polo shirt on his first day of school.
David Shepherd, left, and Travis Price decided to spread word of their 'sea of pink' campaign on the internet.
Bullies harassed the boy, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up, students said.
Two Grade 12 students — David Shepherd and Travis Price — heard the news and decided to take action.
"I just figured enough was enough," said Shepherd.
They went to a nearby discount store and bought 50 pink shirts, including tank tops, to wear to school the next day.
'Sea of pink' support
Then the two went online to e-mail classmates to get them on board with their anti-bullying cause that they dubbed a "sea of pink."
But a tsunami of support poured in the next day.
Not only were dozens of students outfitted with the discount tees, but hundreds of students showed up wearing their own pink clothes, some head-to-toe.
The two Grade 12 students show off the pink shirts they wore to school.
When the bullied student, who has never been identified, walked into school to see his fellow students decked out in pink, some of his classmates said it was a powerful moment. He may have even blushed a little.
"Definitely it looked like there was a big weight lifted off his shoulders. He went from looking right depressed to being as happy as can be," said Shepherd.
And there's been nary a peep from the bullies since, which Shepherd says just goes to show what a little activism will do.
"If you can get more people against them … to show that we're not going to put up with it and support each other, then they're not as big as a group as they think are," he says.
The students' "sea of pink" campaign did not go unnoticed outside the province. U.S. talk show host Ellen DeGeneres expressed interest in their story, and other schools are talking about holding their own "pink day."
"It's been totally overwhelming for us. I mean we're just two local boys and I mean we're getting calls from like Alaska and e-mails. It's just phenomenal the support that we've gotten from across the globe," said Price.
The school principal, understandably, was flush with pride.
"You're always hearing about the youth of the world and how bad things are. Well, they're not that bad," said Stephen Pearl.